About Us

iMotorsports is THE source for quality used motorcycles and ATVs in Chicagoland and across the country!  Our reputation speaks for itself with HUNDREDS of happy customers every year; just look at our ebay feedback and the testimonials on our website!


This isn't your typical dealer; we have a very simple business model at iMotorsports that starts with low overhead and ends with being able to offer these vehicles at prices less than retail or “book” values…lower than just about any other dealership in the country!  This translates to more money in your pocket and easier financing.


Speaking of financing we have finance options available and a layaway program that runs from October to April.  Of course you’re welcome to bring your own financing and we’ll do everything we can to facilitate that process with your bank or credit union.


Our national layaway plan is available to EVERYONE on ANY motorcycle!  It doesn't matter what state you live in, you can put any bike in our inventory on layaway with only $1000 down.  Minimum monthly payments of $250 are required and you have up to 6 months to pay it off.  Once the bike is paid in full our free shipping still applies which means your bike will be delivered to your door at no extra cost!


Our hand-picked inventory is carefully selected by our sales department, and closely evaluated by our experienced service technicians to help ensure many years and miles of enjoyable ownership.  We stand behind every vehicle we sell and on certain motorcycles can offer additional peace of mind with transferable, unlimited-mileage 1-4 year warranties!


We love trade-ins at iMotorsports and can offer top dollar for your used motorcycle or ATV!  If you’re getting out of riding, looking to get into another hobby, or just want a quick sale we’ll pay cash for it too!


iMotorsports has a full service department too and can offer everything from basic maintenance to accessories and upgrades.  Buying a bike from us that has a stock exhaust but want to get that classic rumble out of it?  Already have a motorcycle that’s been sitting for a while and you want to get it going again so it’s ready for spring?  Give us a call!


Every vehicle over $4000 includes free shipping and can be delivered to your home, work, or anywhere else in the main 48 states!  Once your motorcycle is paid for and we have your signed paperwork returned, and after your motorcycle goes through its final safety inspection, we’ll coordinate the shipping.  Typical lead times are about 2 weeks though that’s dependent on the destination and time of year, but rest assured that we’ll do our best to get your bike to you as soon as possible.  We work with a number of reliable transport companies that are licensed and insured, and have sent bikes all over the country and even across the globe!  Conveniently located near the O’Hare (ORD) airport we can also arrange to pick you up and you can ride your new motorcycle home!


We stand behind the quality of ALL our motorcycles and offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee if you purchase one sight-unseen.  If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason simply contact iMotorsports within 24 hours by phone or e-mail.  We will honor our guarantee if the following requirements are met:

  • Motorcycle has not been ridden more than 50 miles from the odometer reading at the time of purchase
  • Motorcycle must be in the same physical and mechanical condition as the time of purchase
  • All original parts, accessories, and upgrades are intact
  • There are no signs of customer abuse or neglect
  • The 24 hour period starts when customer takes delivery of motorcycle
  • All shipping and related expenses to be paid by customer (return shipping and original shipping from iMotorsports)