This 2014 Mercedes Benz S550 is luxury and stylish. It will ease your mind knowing you are making a great investment. Want a car with very low miles? This Mercedes Benz S550 has exceptionally low miles with the odometer reading at 6,178. For you non-smokers out there, the ash tray is whistle clean because it has been smoke free since it was new. Building upon our commitment to excel in customer satisfaction, every vehicle within our dealership is subjected to an unmitigated MULTI-POINT INSPECTION. We know safety is key for purchasing a vehicle. We also know that this vehicle has never been in any kind of wreck.
If getting noticed is what you are after, then this car is the perfect fit. With the 8 cyl engine you will get excellent fuel economy and have plenty of power for tough traffic. Driving has never been so much fun than with this sports tuned suspension. They say money can't buy happiness but for a small price we're certain you can feel it inside this luxuriously crafted Mercedes Benz S550. Get all the power, safety, and convenience rolled into one with this Mercedes Benz S550.
This car is under FACTORY WARRANTY.
Please Call or Text:
Office: 954-893-5611 or Cell: 954-665-0670
Advertised prices reflects ATF (amount to finance) based on $3500 down payment, interest rates as low as 2.49% for persons with appropriate BEACON SCORE WAC. . Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Interested parties should confirm all data before relying on it to make a purchase decision. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Prices may not include additional fees such as government fees and taxes, title, tag and registration fees, finance charges, dealer document preparation fees, processing fees, and emission testing and compliance charges.
This vehicle may or may not contain some or most of the equipment and accessories listed as a result of the VIN equipment compilation provided by a third party source. This compilation is provided as a service by the dealer and a third party source and is in no way intended to serve as a warranty or list of actual equipment contained on the vehicle.
Please Call or Text:
Office: 954-893-5611 or Cell: 954-665-0670